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 We are looking for YOU... awesome members who are willing to give a few hours of your time to help plan and execute this year's FRCNA! We have a wide range of needs, time frames to fit your schedule and WE would love to add you to the Team.

Your volunteer commitment will not take away from all that our event has to offer. Your experience is invaluable and your service is the ultimate reward! Join us by signing up for any one or several volunteer opportunities to enhance your convention experience.


  • What about Newcomer packets at FRCNA?
    FRCNA is a paid event, NOT an NA recovery meeting. There are no indigent packages, partial payments, or donation options. Individual members of our fellowship contribute to newcomers by making a "Newcomer Donation" when they pre-register online and/or register in person on- site. A newcomer is defined as a member of Narcotics Anonymous with 90 days or less. Treatment Centers are encouraged to reach out to the Registration committee via email at We will discuss options to facilitate the registration process for the entire group in advance. Meeting lists/schedules for local meetings are available on our website and at the Convention. The Marathon meeting is the only FRCNA activity open to members who are not registered to attend the Convention. No badge is required and you will only have access to the Marathon meeting and not the Convention. Frcna es un evento remunerado, no una reunión de recuperación de NA. No hay paquetes indigentes, pagos parciales o opciones de donación. Los miembros individuales de nuestra beca contribuyen a los recién llegados al hacer una "donación recién llegada" cuando se registran en línea y / o registrarse en persona en persona. Un recién llegado se define como miembro de narcóticos anónimos de 90 días o menos. Se alienta a los centros de tratamiento a que lleguen al Comité de Registro por correo electrónico a Discutiremos las opciones para facilitar el proceso de registro para todo el grupo con anticipación. Las listas de reuniones / horarios para reuniones locales están disponibles en nuestro sitio web y en la Convención. La reunión de Marathon es la única actividad de FRCNA abierta a los miembros que no están registrados para asistir a la Convención. No se requiere una insignia y solo tendrá acceso a la reunión de maratón y no la convención.
  • How do I register by mail?
    You must mail your registration form no later than June 1, 2022. Debe enviar por correo su formulario de registro a más tardar el 1 de junio de 2022. If you have any questions about registration, please email:
  • Why is Registration required?
    FRCNA is an exciting celebration of recovery. We believe in the principle of self-support, and that the financial responsibilities for FRCNA are shared by all who attend. This is how we ensure that this event is a gift of hope and not a financial burden on the Fellowship as a whole. Understand that the Convention incurs a great deal of expense. These expenses include the cost of the hotel convention meeting rooms/space for workshops, speakers, vendors, DJ’s for the dances, signs, printing of flyers, programs, items contained in the registration packets and merchandise. Additionally, most venues, hotels and facilities require that all participants be required to register for insurance purposes. It is our experience that once participants understand that, the cost of registration helps to make the event possible and all registration funds collected, are used solely for the planning of future FRCNA (Florida Regional Conventions of Narcotics Anonymous), then, the question “Why is Registration Required?” will be answered. The monies collected also help to carry the message to the still suffering addict. There are no 7th Tradition funds used for this event or collected separately during the Convention. We are truly "self-supporting". Your registration provides you access to the scheduled events, workshops, Main Speakers and activities that do not require a separate hard ticket. If you have any questions about registration, please email: Frcna es una emocionante celebración de recuperación. Creemos en el principio de autosuficiencia, y que las responsabilidades financieras de FRCNA son compartidas por todos los que asisten. Así es como nos aseguramos de que este evento sea un regalo de esperanza y no una carga financiera para la comunión en su conjunto. Comprenda que la Convención incurre en gran parte de los gastos. Estos gastos incluyen el costo de las salas de reuniones del Convenio del hotel / de espacio para talleres, oradores, vendedores, DJ's para los bailes, letreros, impresión de folletos, programas, artículos contenidos en los paquetes de registro y mercadería. Además, la mayoría de los lugares, hoteles e instalaciones requieren que todos los participantes sean obligatorios para registrarse con fines de seguro. Es nuestra experiencia que una vez que los participantes entienden que, el costo de la inscripción ayuda a hacer posible el evento y todos los fondos de registro recopilados, se utilizan únicamente para la planificación del futuro FRCNA (Convenios Regionales de la Florida de Narcóticos Anónimos), entonces, la pregunta "¿Por qué? ¿Se requiere el registro? " será respondido. Los fondos recolectados también ayudan a llevar el mensaje al adicto al sufrimiento que aún sufren. No hay 7º fondos de tradición utilizados para este evento o recaudados por separado durante la convención. Somos verdaderamente "autosuficientes". Su registro le proporciona acceso a los eventos programados, talleres, oradores principales y actividades que no requieren un boleto difícil por separado. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el registro, envíe un correo electrónico:
  • Do you offer child care during the convention?
    Childcare is not provided by FRCNA, it's representatives, BOD members or volunteers. Parents and/or guardians are solely responsible for their child(ren) at all times and all child(ren) must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the Convention. Please remember we are representatives of Narcotics Anonymous. We ask that you act responsibly and should any challenges or issues arise, you will be held responsible for any and all damages. If you have any questions, please email or contact a Convention committee member and they will assist you. El cuidado de niños no es proporcionado por FRCNA, sus representantes, miembros de BOD o voluntarios. Los padres y / o tutores son los únicos responsables de sus (s) en todo momento y todos los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto en todo momento durante la convención. Recuerde que somos representantes de narcóticos anónimos. Le pedimos que actúe de manera responsable y que surjan algún desafío o problema, será responsable de todos los daños y todos los daños. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a o comuníquese con un miembro del comité de convenciones y lo ayudarán.
  • Do I have to register my child(ren)?
    Yes, everyone that attends the Convention must wearing a badge and/or wristband. Children aged 13 and under are eligible for specially-marked children’s badges or wristbands at no charge and are available at the Registration desk. Children over the age of 13 must have a registration badge to gain access to the Convention and any badge-required activities. In addition, children must have a ticket or wristband to enter all separate hard-ticketed events, i.e., banquet, comedy, etc. We ask for your support and cooperation with the volunteers, Serenity Keepers or Support Committee Members monitoring the doors of our workshops, Main Speakers and events. We hope you all have fun and enjoy the Convention. If you have any questions, please email or contact a Convention committee member and they will assist you. Sí, todos los que asisten a la convención deben usar una insignia y / o pulsera. Los niños de 13 años y menores son elegibles para insignias o pulseras para niños o pulseras especialmente marcadas sin cargo y están disponibles en el mostrador de registro. Los niños mayores de 13 años deben tener una credencial de registro para obtener acceso a la Convención y cualquier actividad requerida por la identificación. Además, los niños deben tener un boleto o una pulsera para ingresar a todos los eventos separados de boletosos, es decir, banquete, comedia, etc. Pedimos su apoyo y cooperación con los voluntarios, los guardianes de serenidad o los miembros del comité de apoyo que monitorean las puertas de nuestros talleres, los principales oradores y eventos. Esperamos que todos se diviertan y disfruten de la convención. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a o comuníquese con un miembro del comité de convenciones y lo ayudarán.
  • Can I sell formerly referred to as Alternative Merchandise?
    Space to sell Area activities, event or service merchandise will be available only on the Sunday morning of the Convention. All items that will be displayed, given away or sold and any flyers must be reviewed and approved by the Merchandise Chair prior to Sunday. If you are interested in selling merchandise, prior to Sunday, please go directly to the Merchandise room to have your merchandise approved by the Merchandise Chair. You will be required to complete a form to have your item(s) approved.
  • How do I submit a logo?
    You may submit your artwork by emailing it to or by mailing it to: FRCNA, Inc. Attn: Merchandise PO Box 212525 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 Guidelines for Artwork for the Pre-Convention and Convention Logo: Deadline for submissions Pre-Convention logo by September 15 of the current convention year Convention logo by November 15th of the current convention year Please submit artwork in either an AI, EPS or Vector file* *Hand drawn art may be in 8 x 8 or 8 x 11, 6 colors max with clean edges and no blending of colors and text is optional, if text is included please use a standard font. Required Text: FRCNA [number of convention, i.e. 40 or XL, etc.] [theme of convention] Example 40 "The Masks Must Go" [Dates of convention] [City where convention is being held, FL] Example June 30-July 3, 2022 Orlando, FL Note: Upon receipt of submissions any and all usage, rights of artwork and/or designs are transferred exclusively to FRCNA, Inc. without restriction of use. Designer waives any further rights or claims to the artwork and/or design.
  • How do I become a main speaker?
    Main Speakers are selected by the Program support committee members who listen to mp3's submitted (uploaded to the website). In order to be considered for the current convention, the mp3 must be submitted no later than March 15.. A few guidelines for submissions: Must carry a clear Narcotics Anonymous message. Submissions must be less then 3 years old. Main Speakers: Have a minimum of 5 years clean time. Have NOT been a Main Speaker at FRCNA within the last 10 years. Have NOT been a Main Speaker at any other convention in the state of Florida within the past 18 months preceding the current FRCNA. Upload MP3: follow the instructions and complete the required fields. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR: Name, Telephone Number, Email Address, Area, Region, Clean Date, and Location & Date the recording took place. If you have any questions about Program or Speaker submissions, please email:
  • How do I get involved?
    There are numerous ways to get involved. Volunteer: Service to help execute the convention Support Committee Member: Committed to planning and executing the convention Board Member: Board of Director for FRCNA, Inc. VOLUNTEERS: Help execute the convention. It takes a village to execute the convention and it is only made possible by those that have the willingness to give back in this special way. Don’t worry – You will get to enjoy the convention and your volunteer commitment will not take away from enjoying all that the convention has to offer. Only a few hours are requested and we have a wide range of volunteer opportunities to enhance your convention experience. Go to: for more information or email us at SUPPORT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Help plan and execute the convention as well as collaborate on various projects in-between committee meetings. Support committee members should be prepared to meet at least 5 times prior to the convention dates at the location of the convention as well as volunteer during the convention. All support committee meetings take place on the first Sunday of the months of October, December, February, April, and June preceding the convention dates from 10:00 am until noon at the convention hotel unless otherwise instructed. Depending on the committee needs there may be additional scheduled meetings that are typically done via audio or video call, etc. All members are welcome to attend the Support Committee Meetings! Each Committee is comprised of two (2) representatives elected from each Area within the Florida Region for Entertainment, Greeters, Hospitality, Marathon, Merchandise, Program, Registration, and Serenity Keepers. BOARD MEMBER: Board of Director for FRCNA, Inc. plan, host, and conduct the annual convention. Board members are required to attend the monthly meetings, audio or video calls, and execution of the convention. We encourage you to email us at for details. In general, the Florida Regional Service Committee elects five of the BOD members at the July FRSC. Please refer to the FRCNA, Inc. policy for requirements, responsibilities, and elections of BOD members, or talk with any board member for more information about the FRCNA BOD.
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